Monday, March 21, 2011

How To Break Up With Your Carpool

Okay, it's been awhile. What can I say . . . I've been busy. Yet, while I can still have 40 in the title (alright, I'm a little north of Mid 40-somethings), I'm determined to get in one more post. We've all been there - a victim of carpool abuse. (You know who you are, if you're not a victim, you're part of the problem, but that will be addressed at a later time). You are aggressively dragged into a carpool that you neither need nor desire by someone who fits into both of those categories. Once in, the little niceties, the "gentlemen's agreement" of carpooling are not obeyed . . . you are expected to drive when your child is sick but you get a call from them begging off when their child won't be going. You have to see them at religious school, your kids are friends, how do you disengage?